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State handing the appointment to IAEA Collaborating Centre

On the 30 of April representatives of International Agency of Atomic Energy, the Director of the Departament of Phisics and Chemistry, Mr.N. Ramamoorthy accompanied by Mrs A. Starz from the Departament of Nuclear Power Sector handed the nomination to the Director of the Institute to "IAEA Collaborating Centre of Radiation Processing and Industrial Dosimetry"
Representatives of the Ministry of Economy in the person of Mrs. Hanna Trojanowska, the Director of Nuclear Energetics Departament Mr. MirosLaw Lewiński and the President of National Agency of Atomics Prof. Michael Waligórski were present at the celebration. The guests from MAEA, Mrs. Minister, the President of PAA, the Major of the district Mr. J. Kaznowski made short speeches emphasising the role of the Institute in research related to initiating of nuclear Power Sector in Poland and the role of nuclear and radiational chemistry in industry, medicine agriculture and conservation of the environment.The speeches were made by Mr. Prof Domański on behalf of the Rector of Warsaw Politechnic and by Mr. Dr. Krajewski on behalf of the society of the Central Laboratory of Radiological Protection. The Directors and representatives of all institutes of atomics and of Warsaw institutes operating in the field of chemistry along with PAN representatives including the Executive of the 3rd Faculty of Phisics and Chemistry Prof J. Jurczak were present at the meeting. (the list of the Guests inclosed herewith).